Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Green-ish Initiative - Vol. 1, Issue 1

We are nigh upon the summer and with it, great change has come to the Davis household.  Not another baby (yet) but we are turning over a new leaf and trying our hands at some new skills, of which we are yet to fully acquire.  Practice makes perfect, right?

Anyway, we do hereby enact a new family initiative this summer.  With some reluctance and much uncertainty, we are making our first attempt at so-called "green living", a.k.a. "organic living".  It all seems very liberal and "hippie-ish" but really we are just being miserly and attempting to save some coin with attempts at homemade items, DIY projects and the always elusive at-home garden.  The end goal, of course, is to make millions off our line of "natural products", vinegars, pickled everything and yummy jams and jellies, retiring shortly thereafter.  The goal of this post, it seems, is to use as many "quotations" as possible.  So far both are coming to fruition.

Accompanying this new found niche of ours is a revamping of this blog.  Yes, you will still find occasional family updates, but more frequently we intend to post updates around our progress in the aforementioned "at-home projects" as well as recommendations and suggestions for your own, similar projects.  Here are some things you can look forward to learning about and we intend to do "at-home" this summer:
  1. Home-brewed apple cider vinegar & root beer
  2. Homemade cleaning products
  3. In-town gardening & composting
  4. Landscaping ideas
  5. Various home projects
  6. Kids craft ideas
That being said, we've only barely kicked off the summer fun.  We were on the verge of planting our garden when the winter spell hit, dropping some snow on use in early May.  Once we are snow free we'll start our garden.  Got the spot picked, got the plants and seeds, just need to till and plant.  Also waiting on the compost but all of this is for another post.  You'll have to come back for more.  Just a little tease, I guess.

So, with that, I bid farewell until next morrow.  We'll post with pics soon our progress on the above mentioned items and so much more.  Thanks so much for reading the Famous Davis Family's "Not Green, Just Cheap" inaugural blog.  Here's to a great summer!

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