Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lemme Catch You Up

Well a lot has certainly happened since March of this year and definitely do NOT have enough time or space to completely update you on all our happenings and goings-on since then but I will do my best to apprise you of the most important changes in the lives of us three that a worth note. I have comprised a list for you so that you can breeze through them since you may already know some, any, or all of them. Enjoy.

1.) It definitely is worth noting that Elizabeth graduated from ISU in May. She has her B.S. in Child, Adult and Family Services. What a gal, eh?

2.) In April we moved to a new home--a trailer which we purchased here in Ames. We own it outright and have done a few upgrades on it, i.e. painting, electrical, flooring, the list goes on. Its in south Ames, just east of Duff Ave and very near Hickory Park. So far we have enjoyed it and BellaRose adjusted well.

3.) I have been working at Mary Greeley now for 6 months. I started in Valet but now have moved on and up to Patient Transportation. Basically I take patients to and from appointments in the hospital. I also take items to rooms/floors and take medications from pharmacy. I walk a lot during the day, which has been good, and I get to wear khaki scrubs. How cool.

4.) We survived the epic flood of '10, just barely. We woke up that morning to find the water encroaching on our abode. The night before we had moved our cars, which ended up being a wise choice. We packed up some stuff and moved things out of our shed and waded through knee deep river water with a backpack, suitcase and BellaRose. It took us a good while to get to the north side of Ames but we made it and ended up staying in Grandma Phyliss' old condo for a few days. We came back to find our trailer had not been infiltrated with river water. It got to within 6" of our door, though. We've had to replace our shed, which was a chore, and we are getting our kitchen floor redone, on the count it was starting to warp. All in all we lucked out, since others in our lot were certainly less fortunate that us.

5.) BellaRose is definitely in the midst of her "Terrible Twos". She throw fits from time to time but we have been pretty lucky that she has responded pretty well to our attempts at discipline, i.e. time outs or just frankly ignoring her pleas during hysteria. She is a very active kid who shows no fear and would willingly run off a cliff if you let her. She also has a penchant for dolls and dancing. Truly, she is a princess. Hard to believe in 2 months she will be 2 years old!

6.) What is probably most important is that Elizabeth and I are expecting another child in February. Specifically, its due Feb. 24th. We do not know the sex yet but we have our 20 week ultrasound a week from this Friday so we hope to know by then. We're unsure what we would like to have, since there are benefits either way--BellaRose could have a little sister playmate or a little brother for her to pick on, at least providing her a distraction that moves and makes sound without batteries. We shall see, I guess.

So I guess that is quite a bit of stuff to sum up but if I were to go to great length on all of them I'd be by the computer until winter. There was some other stuff as well that occurred but honestly, most of you who read this probably already know the details or we're just not sharing them. After all, we are allowed some measure of privacy. Its in the Constitution, I think.

Well, I hope this has been informative and I certainly hope to post a bit more frequently then once every six months. At least I'd like to post about the new baby. Keep your eyes peeled and I promise to inform you all on the progress of the new baby and any other goings-on in the Davis household. Au revoir, mes amis et bonne journee!


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