Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas and the Fast Approaching New Year

Well, 'tis that time of year again when we are nigh on the start of a new year and left thinking "where did last year go?" I remember them discussing ad nauseum at the beginning of this year what a big deal it was for the 2000s to be over and what, in turn, they were gonna call this year, i.e. two-thousand-ten or twenty-ten. I like to refer to it as the year '10. Makes it seem archaic, when really its full of all manner of newfangled technologies and ultra-modern accoutrements. But then again, I do enjoy combing refined speech with backwoods, country drawl. It is a truly American dialect. But that is neither here nor there.

The baby is coming along nicely. It's amazing how quickly it is approaching and how very much there is still left to do. Since we know what to expect with this one, there is definitely less hoopla abounding the whole process. There are not too many surprises the second time around. We're hopeful to paint the bedroom in the next week (with the help of Leisa, since the last time Lizzie helped she went into pre-term labor) and after the first of the year we are looking into purchasing a van. I realize now that this is a lesson in humility, for there were many times I poked fun at men for owning a van and soon that man shall be me.

In some instances this pregnancy is a bit different, being that he is a boy. I feel, and so does Lizzie, that he is a very rambunctious kid, unlike BellaRose was in the womb. Sure, she would occasionally kick and you could see it/feel it but he, on the other hand, appears to know Kung Fu and is systematically checking the womb for weaknesses, as a means for quick escape. Finally, it seems, BellaRose may have met her match in him. In due time it will be her that is bullied upon and not the other way around.

As far as Christmas goes, we had a relaxing time. Lizzie celebrated her birthday as well on the 24th. Her and I went to P.F. Changs in Des Moines for dinner and then to Jordan Creek. It was a good time. On Christmas Day we went over to Lizzie's folks and had dinner-- I prepared a ham, a first for me--and opened gifts. Per usual, the smallest one, Ms. Bella, got the most presents. She definitely has gotten into the idea of opening presents and spares no time in destroying anything wrapped. She got her fair share of Barbies, books and a kitchenette set complete with food. Later this evening, in fact, we are traveling to my parents for our belated Christmas, where I'm sure she'll continue to get a prodigious great amount of gifts, all of which she'll want opened and made available to her immediately upon opening. Such is the life of a princess.

Unfortunately I have to work New Year's Eve and Day but its not all bad. I'll be making good money and it probably sha'nt be too busy. Or so I hope. We'll fill you in on more goings on when they happen. Certainly we'll be informing you of our new arrival come this February, in the year '11. See, doesn't that just sound nostalgic? '11? It could mean 1911, 1811 or maybe even 11 BCE. Its magical. I hereby bequeath permission to use my anachronism. Enjoy.

Later all. Hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and may you all have a Happy New Year! May the year '11 treat you as kindly, if not better, than the year '10 did. Toodles!
